You love your dog (sometimes), but life with your dog…
…not so much
When you got your dog you pictured the life you were going to have. The adventures you would go on.
There was the excitement, the hope, the enthusiasm. You wondered curiously what the future would bring. You imagined how you would feel.
And though reality never really matches expectations, for you, living with your challenging dog the gap between the two is slightly (or a lot) bigger.
When you are living with a challenging dog, you’re always “on” .
There’s no escape, doorbells may ring at any point, dogs may appear out of nowhere in an instant, and a bite is always just around the corner.
It’s exhausting.
Right now…
- you feel trapped because you can’t have company over
- you feel discouraged
- you get annoyed or frustrated and take it out on your loved ones, and then guilt yourself over it
- you doubt yourself and your ability to keep doing “this”
- for once you would like your day to be relaxed
- you want to get rid of the resentment you feel, towards your dog, towards your family members for not getting on board the training-train, towards the “my-dog-is-friendlies” of this world
- everything seems black and white, it’s either keep feeling stressed, get the dog trained or rehoming / behavioral euthanasia
Like you I put so much effort into training and caring for my dog. I poured my heart and soul into it, because I believed that would get me closer to the life I wanted. Well, that and I didn’t want my dog to feel stressed out all the time either.
It turns out that the road to feeling good about life looks different for everyone.
The reality is that training your dog isn’t the (whole) solution
- it takes time for training to yield the results you’re after and you’re feeling stressed now
- your dog may never get to where you want them to be
- your situation might not allow for the amount of training needed
- training might be adding to your stress
Let’s face it, if your happiness depended solely on how well “trained’ your dog was, on “how well they behaved”, on their level of “non-reactivity”, then everyone with a not yet fully trained challenging dog would either be miserable or rehome their dog.
But not everyone is…
So, wherein lies the difference?
In you and your brain.
So let’s train your brain to confidently decide what is right for you and your dog
I create individualized programs to train your brain to…
- Recover faster from a reactive dog incident
- Accept setbacks more easily
- Stop the self-judgement or going down shame-spirals
- Create space in your life for non-dog related passions
- Improve the family-dynamic
- Increase your self-confidence
- Get clear on when keeping, rehoming or euthanizing your dog is right for you
…so you can enjoy life again, at peace with your decisions
What my clients have to say

I’m Kajsa van Overbeek, M.Sc.,
a certified professional life coach through the Life Coach School.
Your dog is pointing out all the ways in which you can grow. I’m trained to help you do precisely that.
Your brain is the one thing you have control over, so let’s unlock its power.
No more waiting for your dog to change. You may thank me later.