035 | Matilda Kelsall & Nala and Rafiki, on dog-sparked personal growth in leaps and bounds

[The audio of this episode is a bit wonky, but I hope you’ll put up with it because the content is great]

Matilda is a canine coach who creates all the things she wishes she would have had available when working with her dog Nala for her clients.

We talk about how Rafiki, her second dog, helped her grow into the person she is now.
(and what on earth possessed her to get a second dog after having a first dog who was Ruff Around the Edges)

When you listen to the episode you’ll be blown away by her transformation and her approach to life.

Imagine being startled by barking… and ending up working with dogs.

We talk about the constant state of dysregulation living in a home with inter-dog aggression brings.
About the toll living with an aggressive dog takes on a relationship.
About what it takes to set boundaries with your loved ones and strangers.
About learning to love life without regrets.
About how freeing it is to have like-minded people by your side.

And so much more.

Want to turn your life around completely?

What would it be like to look back on your life with no regrets? 

To see endless possibilities instead of walls closing off avenues?

What if life with your challenging dog could be the instigator of all of that?

Get in touch about coaching with me!

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