Food for Thought(work)

What if the dog guardian IS the problem?

What if the dog guardian IS the problem?

It’s not the dog, it’s the guardian.​​ It’s an expression I would like to banish from our collective minds. So much so that I said something along those lines in one of the ads I am running toward my business. ​ Someone commented: “But what if it truly is the guardian? If the guardian is the...

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Do you have a solid “drop it” cue?

Do you have a solid “drop it” cue?

Do you have a drop it cue? Not your dog, you…   Can you drop your expectations? Can you drop your frustration? Can you drop your anger? Can you drop your schedule and improvise when something doesn’t go according to plan?   I know that you can. That you can be a champion at “drop it”....

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Are you ready to train your brain and not your dog?

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