Food for Thought(work)

How to stop the urge to reply instantly to text messages when your phone plinks

How to stop the urge to reply instantly to text messages when your phone plinks

Has this happened to you? You’ve received a text message, a WhatsApp, a DM of sorts and you feel immense pressure to answer it immediately.

Because, if you don’t, then what won’t the other person think? They need that quick response, right?

And yet, you notice that all this texting and all the interruptions are interfering with the flow of your day.

Here’s what I have to offer.

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How to get better at choosing

How to get better at choosing

Are you anything like me? Can you agonize over even the simplest of decisions (like what ballpoint pen to buy) so long that your family makes fun of you? “Oh no, here he/she goes again, needing to make a choice. This will probably take a while. We’ll just be waiting outside okay?”

Choosing is a skill you can learn. It is just like anything else. What you practice, you get good at.

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Are you ready to train your brain and not your dog?

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