Ik help baasjes van moeilijke honden stress en spanning in hun leven te verminderen

Wat als het leven met je hond weer leuk kon zijn? Train je hoofd, niet (alleen) je hond!

Je hebt (over het algemeen) een leuke hond , maar het leven met je hond

…is minder leuk.

Toen je je hond in huis haalde, had je allerlei ideeën over hoe het zou zijn. Alle leuke dingen die jullie samen zouden gaan doen.

Je had er super veel zin in, zat vol enthousiasme, en hoopte op die top band met je hond. Die toekomst samen met je hond kon niet vroeg genoeg beginnen. Je zou je helemaal geweldig voelen.

En natuurlijk komen verwachtingen en de praktijk nooit helemaal overeen, maar als je met een moeilijke hond te maken hebt, zoals jij, is het gat tussen de twee een (heel) stuk groter.


Met een uitdagende hond, sta je altijd in de “aan” stand .

Er is nooit even niets, want elk moment kan de deurbel gaan, een hond de hoek omkomen, en het voelt alsof een bijtincident ieder moment kan plaatsvinden.

Het is vermoeiend.

Op het moment…

  • heb je het gevoel dat je vast zit omdat je eigenlijk geen bezoek kunt hebben
  • voel je je ontmoedigd
  • raak je geïrriteerd en gefrustreerd en dat reageer je af op familie en vrienden, om je daarna schuldig te voelen over je gedrag
  • vraag je je af hoe lang je “dit” nog volhoudt
  • zou je gewoon één keer een ontspannen dagje willen hebben
  • wil je niet meer balen van je hond, je niet meer irriteren aan je gezinsleden die niet mee willen helpen met trainen,en ben je klaar met alle “hij-doet-niets-hoor” mensen in deze wereld.
  • lijkt alles enorm zwart-wit, het is of gestrest blijven, het gedrag van je hond onder controle krijgen of je hond wegdoen / laten inslapen

Net als jij stopte ik bloed, zweet en tranen in het trainen van en zorgen voor mijn hond. Ik stortte er mijn hart en ziel in, omdat dat uiteindelijk zou leiden tot het droomleven met mijn hond. Nou ja, niet alleen dat, ik wilde ook niet dat mijn hond continu gestrest was.

Gek genoeg ziet de weg naar een leven waarin je voldoening vindt er voor iedereen anders uit.


De realiteit is dat de oplossing hem niet (alleen) zit in het trainen van je hond.

  • er gaat tijd overheen voordat hondentraining zijn vruchten afwerpt en de stress ervaar je nu, op dit moment
  • Je hond wordt misschien wel nooit de hond waar je op hoopte
  • je huidige situatie staat de hoeveelheid training die je in je hond zou moeten stoppen misschien helemaal niet toe.
  • het trainen bezorgt je wellicht juist stress

Laten we wel wezen, als geluk alleen afhing van hoe goed “opgevoed” je hond was, hoe goed ze zich gedroegen, van hoe “niet-uitvallend” ze waren, dan zou iedereen met een nog niet volledig getrainde hond zich stikberoerd moeten voelen of hun hond herplaatsen .

Maar niet iedereen voelt zich zo…

Dus waar zit het verschil hem in?

In jou en je hersenen.

Dus laten we je hersenen trainen om bewust te kiezen wat goed is voor jou en je hond.

Ik creëer geïndividualiseerde programma’s om je hersenen te leren…

  • Je sneller over incidenten met jouw of andere honden(baasjes) heen te zetten
  • Makkelijker met tegenslagen om te gaan
  • Te stoppen jezelf overal de schuld van te geven en schaamte te doorbreken.
  • Weer ruimte te creëren voor niet hond-gerelateerde hobbies en activiteiten
  • De gezinsdynamiek te verbeteren
  • Je meer zelfvertrouwen te geven
  • Voor jezelf duidelijk te krijgen of je je hond wilt houden, herplaatsen of moet laten inslapen.

…zodat je weer kunt genieten van je leven, en tevreden kunt zijn met je beslissingen

Wat mijn klanten te zeggen hebben (reviews zijn niet vertaald)

When I saw Kajsa’s advert on Facebook I was in a difficult place, struggling for months after bringing a new and difficult puppy into my life. I couldn’t see a way of improving things and my negative thought pattern was really impacting all aspects of my life. I had considered giving up on my dog and felt I’d already given up on myself. I was taking time off work with stress-related illness, not doing the things I enjoyed, and feeling bad about myself all the time. I knew I needed help with my mindset just as much as I needed help with the behaviour of my dog.

After my consult call with Kajsa, I felt really positive about moving forward. I immediately felt there was someone there to coach me through things in a non-judgemental, supportive way. I found the detailed summaries of each session (that Kajsa sent after each call) incredibly helpful to keep track of my progress. I found the homework gave me the chance to really get the most out of coaching as I consolidated things we worked on in my own time and brought more back to the next session. At the start I thought 12 weeks was a big commitment, however looking back it was the time I needed to really practice what I was learning to do and help it stick in my everyday life. It was great to see the small changes as the weeks went on.

Now at the end of coaching with Kajsa, I am much kinder to myself, I feel more in control of my choices and I’m more aware of the thoughts and feelings I have each day and what their consequences are. My dog’s behaviour has not improved in this time, yet I’ve gone from feeling I couldn’t cope and was doomed, to feeling more free, happy and like my situation is much easier to manage. If I didn’t begin coaching with Kajsa, I think I would likely have ended up taking more time off sick with stress from work, potentially make the heart-breaking decision to rehome my puppy, become more isolated from my world and have the negative self-talk further impact my self-worth and relationships with others.

I would, and do recommend Kajsa’s coaching to anyone who’s had similar thoughts and feelings and is ready to make a change. It’s the best choice I’ve ever made for the benefit of my own wellbeing, my life and my dog.


Erin K. 


Kajsa has helped me develop an understanding between my thoughts and feelings. She has shared tools that have encouraged me to analyze what I am thinking, what feelings those thoughts are creating, and how to navigate living the way I want.

I have unconsciously been spending lots of energy worrying about what other people think about me and my actions. Kajsa has helped me become in touch with those untrue negative thoughts. By understanding where those stressful feelings are coming from I am now able to let go of worrying about what others think of me and embrace the time I have with them.

After my sessions with Kajsa I notice a big change in my day-to-day actions, thoughts, and feelings. They have given me the space to develop a relationship with my thoughts and feelings. I feel more empowered to create the life and experiences I want than ever before!


Heather M.

Washington, USA

I am deeply grateful for all the help and information that Kajsa has provided during the coaching sessions.
Coaching with her is like a reset for the brain, it opens new doors about yourself, your beliefs, and what you create for yourself with the power of your own thoughts.

Sessions with her were absolutely amazing and also therapeutic. She is really professional, has vast knowledge and is really organized and structured on every session, and as a bonus knows exactly what tool you could use to dig deeper on the topics discussed.

I find applicable what I have learned, not only in my relationship with my dog, but also with those around me, either in personal or work life.
I totally encourage everyone in need to schedule that free consultation and take it from there.

I was doubtful and fearful before that consultation, but it started the best investment I made in and for myself so far.

I find it really helpful as well the information that she is providing through her Instagram account or her amazing podcast episodes.


Ana B. 

The Netherlands

After just one coaching session with you I realized how much I blame my emotions (often daily annoyance or frustration) on my dog and was able to break from this habit in a way that was loving to my dog and to myself.

I’m happy to report that months later our discussions and the tools you have given me are still impactful. My wild dog thanks you and so do I!


Naomi G

Hawaii, USA

Kajsa is a brilliant coach, for so many reasons. Firstly I always know that she is on my side, and sincerely wants the best outcome for me with everything we chat about.

AND, she is tough, helping me question all of those deep-seated limiting beliefs that I have about myself, my dog, and my life. I have seen such amazing shifts in many areas of my life since coaching with her, and while she is helping me create new perspectives about life with my puppy I am able to apply all of these lessons to the relationships with my son and family too.

Plus, my business is flourishing because of the way she helps me to process these challenges faster. Instead of spending much of my time wallowing in pity or frustration, I now have a lot more space and time to focus on other important things too.


Terez R. 

United Kingdom

I really enjoyed working with Kajsa as my life coach. She supported me in clarifying the difference between my thoughts and feelings. By doing this I was able to more clearly see patterns in my life that were keeping me “small” and scared.

Kajsa is a great coach in that she really has your back, truly believes in the possibility of your success, and is a stalwart supporter of your journey, without getting emotionally involved herself. She is very honest and direct, with just the right amount of compassion.

Kajsa sometimes uses strong examples from her own life, which makes the session feel personable. It was a wonderful blend of sharing and listening.

Kajsa is flexible to explore the topics I initially shared as “pain points” or work with whatever was coming up in the moment. While she doesn’t advise which would be most beneficial, Kajsa is skilled at taking the big mess of emotions and worries I bring, parsing out the topics, speaking them back to me, and giving me the agency to choose what we will address in a given session.


Paula W.

California, USA

Being coached is a pretty intense process. Be prepared to shake your thoughts and feelings!

Kajsa is spotting where to dig into and she will push you to face it.

As long as you’re open about it and committed, no need to hesitate to start coaching, go for it!

Kajsa is very open to any subject, she’s very professional during the session and when she removes the coach cap, she’s such a lovely person as well!


Karen G.

The Netherlands


Ik ben Kajsa van Overbeek, M.Sc.,

door de Life Coach School gecertificeerd professioneel life coach.

Jouw hond laat je perfect zien wat alle vlakken zijn waarop je jezelf kunt ontwikkelen. En ik ben er specifiek voor opgeleid je daarbij te helpen.

Je eigen brein is het enige waarover je volledige controle hebt, dus laten we dat vooral gebruiken.

Niets geen wachten meer tot je hond al dan niet veranderd is. Bedank me later maar.

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