034 | Aimee of Pawfect Behaviour on everything mindset and dogs and leaving the UK to be a Dubai dog trainer

How does a UK national end up a dog (and other animals) trainer in Dubai? Just listening to Aimee’s backstory will have you in awe of the way she has stayed true to herself making big life decisions.

We talk about how she tries to make clients feel like they can share everything with her as a trainer so that they don’t have to hide their feelings and frustration.

We discuss how breed stereotypes and other assumptions may prevent us from recognizing our dogs are in pain.  Are poodles simply fussy eaters or is there an underlying problem with their teeth causing them pain when they eat?

What about the disappointment we feel when our dog’s behavior seems to relapse? What can we do? Should we try something new or go back to basics?

Aimee’s business in Dubai:
Aimee on Instagram:

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Do you want to learn how you can stop feeling like the ground falls out from underneath your feet each time your dog’s behaviour relapses?

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