Mindset Episode 021 | Considering where the other person’s coming from, when you feel triggered

Does your partner brush off your dog’s reaction like it was nothing? Don’t they understand the concept op threshold and the importance of limiting reactions?
It’s enough to make you fume!
What could be going on on their end though?

Is your partner shouting at the dog? Do you so want to get in their face and tell them that’s not acceptable?
What could they be going through?

Are people telling you to stay calm, because it’s your anxiety that is making the vet visits problematic for your dog?
What could be behind them saying this?

No you can never know what another person’s thinking, and yet there are instances when it can come in useful to at least guess at it.

Doing so can help you regulate your own emotions, come up with an appropriate response both in the moment and at a later time, and it can drastically reduce arguments and fights.

That’s what I talk about in this episode.

Want to be less reactive yourself?

Jump on a call with me to figure out how you can work on your own triggers!

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