Mind's Best Friend

Welcome to the first cohort of the Group Coaching Program

Scroll down for more information in the form of Frequently Asked Questions or [CLICK HERE] to go there directly.


If you’re already convinced that you want to jump on this offer, then leave your details here.

You won’t be invoiced until the start of the program and you can still opt out should the coaching call hours not work for you.

We start the week of November 6th and we break over the Holidays.

Not 100% sure yet? Then schedule a 30-minute consult with me. [CLICK HERE] for my calendar.


Is this program for me if my dog isn’t all that challenging?

Yes! For sure. This program is for you if you want:

  • To have better relationships
  • Learn how you can cope with difficult situations (which may or may not include your dog) without resorting to exaggerated PollyAnnaish “just think happy thoughts” behavior
  • Learn how to give less of a shit (about other people calling your dog a mean mongrel, just as much as that bad review at work)
  • Get better at saying no, and stop people pleasing, no matter if it’s a situation in which you have to advocate for your dog, yourself or your family and friends
  • To learn how to trust your own judgment again

Yes, we will 200% discuss dog-related issues, and yet you will see that they’re not all as dog-related as you may think. 

You will get tremendous bang for the buck even if…  you don’t have a dog at all.

Does that seem contradictory? How can this be a program specifically geared towards guardians of challenging dogs and non-dog guardians all the same?

Well, I challenge you to answer that question! That’s one of the things we will be working on in the program. How to ask better questions.


I’m not sure about being in a group and getting coached on very personal stuff.

Let me start by asking you why. What are you worried about?
Usually, it’s something to do with what other people will think of you. Will they judge you?

I can tell you from experience we’re usually way harder on ourselves than other people are on us. You’re more likely to be judging yourself.

First, if you’re going through it, chances are high that someone else is too. If you’re judging yourself for it, chances are that so is someone else. Part of the magic of group coaching is learning that you are not alone in things. You’re not the only one who gets upset with themselves for breaking their promise to their dog to not get angry with them anymore. You’re not the only one who finds it hard to advocate for their dog.

You’re not the only one who feels guilty because you’re the one who sold the family on getting a dog in the first place. Half of the battle is knowing that what you’re going through is normal.

Second, learning to be okay with other people judging you is precisely the skill you want to develop in order to have a more relaxed life with your dog, so why not start on a small scale with other like-minded people who despite what you’re afraid of, most likely won’t judge you.

Third, remember that it is not just you getting coached. You’ll be able to learn tons just from listening to others get coached, because you won’t be as emotionally involved when it’s about someone else. That’s powerful stuff right there. Some of my biggest insights have come from listening to others get coached (or from coaching my clients, to be honest, but that’s not the point).

Is this me trying to “convince you” to bare your soul in group coaching? Nope. Only you can decide if this is something you want to do. Only you know if your hesitancy stems from your brain throwing up a barrier to something unknown and therefore scary or if participating would be out of alignment with your core. Check in with your gut. How does it feel? A little uncomfortable? Or is it a full-blown block?

If you need to get back in touch with your gut and your feelings, then I definitely suggest coaching. Remember that I offer one-on-one coaching as well.

When you’re in the group program, you have access to booking a one-on-one session at a reduced rate as well.

What will the program look like? Will it just be coaching calls?

No, it will be a combination of online videos, and worksheets to help you figure out what is important for you and what works for you, in addition to 12 weekly group coaching calls.

We will break over the Holiday Period.


What’s my investment?

It’s €300 for the whole program, payable before the first session. Contact me if you want to discuss payment options.

This is a one-time offer for the first cohort to join the program. In return, I would like to ask you to provide me with feedback on the process at the end so that I can improve for the next cohort.

A testimonial would be amazing.


What if I can’t make it to all the calls?

Although I suggest making coming to the calls a priority, I get that life happens. The calls will be recorded, so you will be able to access a replay. At the end of the 12 weeks, the recordings will be deleted.

What if there is something I want one-to-one coaching on?

For the duration of the program, you will be able to book a one-on-one coaching call at a reduced rate. Afterward, the normal rate for one-on-one coaching will apply.

I know you’re in Europe, I’m in [fill in countryname here]. Is that a problem?

Nope, that’s the magic of Zoom. I will try to schedule the calls so that they fit with most time zones.

Did you know I have coached people from as far off as Hawaii and Australia and as close as my own city of Delft?

The plan right now is to see what time zones people will be joining from and to adjust the times accordingly. I am considering switching the times week to week so there are always a couple of sessions that don’t require you to bend over backward to make them.  As mentioned they will also be recorded so you can watch them back and learn that way.

This part is not set in stone yet, so it might also be that it will end up being a fixed day and time if that works for most of you. 

You can always opt-out if it turns out that times are unworkable for you.

Having said that, even if you weren’t to attend a single coaching call, I believe that by just watching the videos and doing the worksheets, you will see dramatic change for the better.

What if my dog barks through the session?

Arrrrrre you kidding me? 

What if mine does? I’m sure we’ll get to know each other’s dogs. There may be some muting of microphones going on at times, and I do recommend wearing earphones on Zoom sessions, but don’t let fear of having to get up to calm your dog or do a treat scatter stop you from joining, please.

What topics are covered?

The short answer is anything you want to bring to the coaching.

The long answer is that I have materials prepared on different topics that have come up for my clients over time, which include:

  • Learning to shake off incidents faster
  • Dealing with guilt over being the one to have brought “this dog” into your family’s life, feeling guilty for not being able to offer your dog what they might need
  • Doubting if you are the right guardian for this dog
  • How to deal with criticism and negative feedback, either on how you train your dog or differently
  • How to relax and destress when it doesn’t seem possible
  • Making time for yourself again when you seem to be torn in all different directions
  • And maybe most importantly, giving you a space to grieve the life you thought you would have with your dog and coming up with a plan for what it can look like in the future.

Want to learn how you can be your mind’s best friend?

So you can start enjoying life with man’s best friend more?

Leave your details here:

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